Sometimes Mom got it right...

When she told you “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” she was onto something."

Simply put, breakfast, whether you wolf it down at 6am at home or at 10am on the morning break, is that critical component that jumpstarts your day. Breakfast provides balance in your food intake, increases blood sugar for improved concentration, decreases fatigue, improves memory and performance and is also linked to weight control and lower cholesterol levels.

There is simply no downside to breakfast, unless it is time.

Here at 700 South Deli and Catering, we keep the busy professional in mind. Especially the management professional who has an important morning meeting to launch and wants to feed the troops in the hopes of inspiring camaraderie and holding everyone’s maximum attention level.

Whether you are drafting a new mission statement or reviewing sales numbers for the month, providing breakfast puts your employees in a better mood, encourages positive interaction while loading up their plates and sets the tone for a productive meeting.

Benefits of Eating Breakfast

  1. - Provides balance in your food intake
  2. - Increases blood sugar for improved concentration
  3. - Decreases fatigue
  4. - Improves memory and performance
  5. - Is linked to weight control and lower cholesterol levels

Providing breakfast needn’t be just for the occasional important meeting.

  1. - Consider bringing in breakfast once a month on Fridays, arguably the least productive day of the week, to inspire a productivity spike.
  2. - Contemplate a weekly Bagel Monday to draw your workers out of the weekend malaise; knowing they have breakfast to look forward to might help them to get cracking with a renewed energy level; always difficult on a Monday morning.

Busy corporate managers, partners and supervisors have enough to worry about.

Let us bring you breakfast, coffee, juices, water, utensils and all the trimmings to your office and that dreaded early-morning meeting will be a slam-dunk success!

So, instead of waiting at the local fast-food counter only to receive 20 hastily prepared, uninspired egg sandwiches that are mushed by the time they are lugged into the office, let us provide breakfast catering for your next meeting. View our menu options below and place your order today!