We know how overwhelming it can be to order food for a catering event.  And since our job, besides providing great food, is to make your job easier, we came up with our complimentary catering guide.

Please note: This catering guide is geared toward our corporate catering expertise, but it still serves as a good baseline for any kind of event.

Do these questions sound familiar?

How much food should I order for 100 people? Wait, is it 100 people? Let me see... It went from 75 people, to 50 people this morning, and then back up to 75 people at lunch and I just got an email to add 25 more.

Now, what time should I have the food arrive? Do I have enough paper products? How many people are going to eat the chicken over the beef?

Is this the group who are the big coffee drinkers? It is cold out this morning, so maybe more people will want coffee.

Is it time to go home yet!?!

You get the picture...

Keep reading our catering guide to see if we can help you out with any of these questions. You can always give us a call as well if you can't find your answers.

The Catering Guide

This Section Will Be Updated Soon!
In the meantime, please view our catering menu below!